We've updated this guide to include additional Mole Miner variants, revised our loot section to make it easier to read, and we've added Treasure Hunter farming tips for players that need to farm pails during the "Hunt for the Treasure Hunter" community event. Farming these enemies is useful for obtaining certain materials or for Mole Miners Bails when a certain community event is active. Updated October 31st, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Mole Miners have quite a few variants in Fallout 76, ranging from Daily Ops Juggernauts to the time-limited Treasure Hunters. If you're on the hunt for some Mole Miners, here's their location and loot drops to check this mission off with ease. Unlike other types of mutants and creatures in Fallout 76, these foes have some form of societal structure, with groups lead around by leaders and supervisors.

Related: Fallout 76: Tips For Playing Solo While it might have saved them from the initial nuclear destruction that befell the world, over time they have become aggressive mutant versions of their former selves, and a target for your daily challenges. You may have come from the underground, but the Mole Miners in Fallout 76 have made the old mineshafts of Appalachia their domain. Mole Miner Location And Loot Drops In Fallout 76.